Why perform software validation testing

software validation testing
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If you are planning the development of a new digital product, we recommend you read the following article. We share with you everything you should know about software validation testing: definition, phases, techniques and benefits.

What are software validation tests?

Software validation testing is a set of activities and techniques used to assess whether software meets specified requirements and whether it is fit for its intended use. These tests are done after the development of the software, and before it is released to the public. They assess whether the product is reliable and safe, and whether it behaves appropriately under the intended conditions.

If the software does not meet the requirements, the errors must be corrected and validation tests rerun until the software meets the appropriate quality standards.

Phases and techniques to validate software

There are several phases and techniques used to validate software. Some of the more common phases include:

  1. Test planning: the objectives of the tests are determined, the acceptance criteria are established and the activities necessary to carry out the tests are planned.
  2. Test design: the specific tests to be carried out are designed, both to verify compliance with the requirements and to detect errors and defects.
  3. Test execution: the tests designed in the previous phase are executed, the results are recorded and it is verified if the acceptance criteria are met.
  4. Results evaluation: the results of the tests are analyzed to define if the software meets the specified requirements and if errors or defects have been detected.

Validation techniques include:

  1. Unit testing: Focused on verifying the behavior of individual units of code.
  2. Integration testing: Focused on checking how the different units of code work together.
  3. System testing: Focused on examining the complete behavior of the system under realistic conditions of use.
  4. Acceptance testing: Focused on confirming whether the software meets specified functional requirements.
  5. Security testing: Focused on detecting vulnerabilities and evaluating the resistance of the system against attacks.
  6. Performance testing: Focused on evaluating how the system behaves under different load levels and in extreme conditions.

It is important to mention that every project is different. Each development team will use a combination of testing techniques appropriate for their particular project.

4 benefits of software validation testing

    1. To identify bugs and defects early in the development process. Validation tests are performed after unit and integration tests have been completed, allowing bugs and defects to be identified and fixed before the software is released to market.
    2. Software quality improvement. Validation testing helps ensure that software meets established requirements and specifications, which contributes to improving software quality.
    3. To increase confidence in the software. By putting your software through validation testing, you can be more confident that it will work correctly in a production environment.
    4. To reduce the cost. Validation testing helps identify problems early and correct them in the development process. This reduces the cost of carrying out this task at a later stage or after the software is released to the market.

To conclude, validation testing is a fundamental part of the software development process. It is important to remember that software validation tests must be properly planned and designed to ensure that all necessary aspects are covered and to ensure confidence in the final product. Keep in mind that at MyTaskPanel Consulting we have the right specialists to help you get the best software.


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