Whether you lead a startup or are an entrepreneur and want to present a product or service to the market to see if it will work, today we are going to tell you how we develop a Minimum Viable Product, in the fastest way and minimizing costs.
What are we talking about when we talk about a minimum viable product?
A minimum viable product is a product with enough features to satisfy initial customers, and provide feedback for future development.
Generally, this type of development involves a mobile application for the use of final consumers and a web application, with a backend in which the data resides and a frontend that will be the interface that the user will see.
What is the best way to achieve it?
To achieve this, the path we choose is to make a PWA that runs on both Android and IOS. It is a web application that has mobile functionalities, since you can use it from your mobile.
What technologies do we use?
When we do it, we use Javascript for the front end, with a framework like: React, Angular, Vue or Ember. And, for the back end, we use Node.js, .Net, Java, Python or Php.
What if the project succeeds?
If your project prospers, we take care of converting or reengineering to transform your PWA into a more powerful application, in a hybrid language, namely: Native script, React native, Xamarin or Ionic.