What is NestJS and when to use it

what is NestJS
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The NestJS framework, based on TypeScript, offers a modular and object-oriented architecture for building scalable and maintainable applications in Node.js. In this article, we will explain what NestJS is, discuss its features, advantages, and disadvantages, and explore when it is appropriate to use it.

Understanding what NestJS is

NestJS is a Node.js framework that uses TypeScript as its primary programming language. Inspired by Angular, NestJS adopts a modular and object-oriented approach, providing an organized structure for server-side application development. This framework is based on the architecture of controllers, services, and modules to create robust and scalable applications.

It is important to clarify that NestJS should not be confused with NextJS. The latter is a web development framework for React, simplifying the creation of fast and efficient web applications by optimizing performance and facilitating server-side rendering and static page generation.


  • Based on TypeScript. NestJS is entirely written in TypeScript, allowing for the development of more robust and maintainable applications through the addition of static types and other TypeScript features.
  • Modular architecture. It adopts a modular architecture that facilitates code organization and reuse by dividing the application into independent modules with their own controllers, services, and other components.
  • Dependency injection. Implements a dependency injection system that allows for efficient management of dependencies between application components, enhancing code flexibility and maintainability.
  • Decorators and metadata. Uses decorators and metadata to declaratively define HTTP routes, controllers, services, and other elements of the application, simplifying code development and comprehension.
  • Middlewares. Provides support for middlewares that enable the execution of code in the request and response flow, facilitating the implementation of functionalities such as authentication, authorization, and data manipulation.
  • WebSockets support. Offers integrated support for bidirectional real-time communication via WebSockets, allowing the easy and efficient creation of real-time applications.
  • Integrated testing. Facilitates the writing of unit and integration tests using tools like Jest, promoting comprehensive and reliable test coverage to ensure code quality.

Advantages of using NestJS

  • Improved productivity. The combination of TypeScript, dependency injection, and a modular structure helps developers be more productive by reducing the time spent on common problem-solving.
  • Middleware ecosystem. NestJS has a rich middleware ecosystem that simplifies common tasks, such as authentication, data validation, and error handling, allowing developers to focus on business logic.
  • Scalability. Thanks to its modular and object-oriented architecture, NestJS makes it easy to build scalable applications. The ability to split functionality into independent modules facilitates managing projects of any size.
  • Active community and support. NestJS has an active community and a committed development team, resulting in detailed documentation, frequent updates, and solid support to address issues and questions.


  • Learning curve. For developers new to NestJS or those not familiar with Angular, there may be an initial learning curve due to the adoption of framework-specific concepts.
  • Additional complexity in small projects. In small and simple projects, NestJS’s modular structure and advanced features may add an unnecessary layer of complexity.

Use cases for NestJS

  • Complex enterprise applications. NestJS is ideal for building complex enterprise applications that require a scalable and maintainable architecture. Modularity and dependency injection facilitate managing large codebases.
  • RESTful and GraphQL APIs. NestJS excels in creating RESTful and GraphQL APIs. Its structure simplifies the definition of routes, controllers, and services, streamlining the process of building efficient APIs.
  • Real-time applications. With support for WebSockets and the use of libraries like Socket.io, NestJS is a solid choice for developing real-time applications, such as chats and multiplayer games.

NestJS is a powerful and flexible framework for Node.js application development. Its modular architecture, TypeScript support, and advanced features make it a valuable choice for projects of various sizes and complexities. By considering what NestJS is, developers can leverage its advantages to improve productivity, scalability, and code organization in their projects. With an active community and robust support, NestJS stands as a strong contender in the web development landscape with Node.js.
