Define the technology stack for your project

technology stack
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Are you about to start a web development to create a new product? In this opportunity, we tell you what you need to know to define the technology stack for your project.

A technology stack includes all the technologies you should use during development: programming languages, frameworks, and databases. Such a stack will help you achieve your designated business goals and product expectations.

Factors to choose a technology stack for your project:

  • The type of system or application that you want to develop.
  • The strategic objectives of your company or client.
  • The characteristics of the technologies: scalability, security, community size, etc.
  • The knowledge and skills of the development team.

The technology stack is selected for both the back end (software and hardware) and the front end (client side of the user interface) separately.

Programming languages

The first step is to determine in which language the project will be written. Although almost all programming languages ​​strive to provide a specific list of functions, there are notable differences between them. We briefly mention the most important:


Used for business solutions, it is highly scalable and is characterized by being multithreaded (multithreaded web server) and having open source libraries and maximum security. It can be run on Windows, Linux and Mac.


It has a huge ecosystem of libraries to work with Big-Data and machine learning. In addition, it is important in the world of web development, since it is easy to develop web applications with this language. If you are looking to create an MVP, this can be a great choice.


This technology was born for the web and has grown quite a bit since the latest versions available. Useful for developing a startup’s minimum viable product (MVP), it has a large community and many valuable frameworks and libraries to work with.


This language allows rapid development, minimizes overhead (it can be used for both the front end and the back end) and is conceived as a minimalist technology, since it has small libraries.


You can use this technology to develop microservices and Rest APIs, among others. With a very large community, today it is widely used, due to its high performance and because it is not that complicated to develop. When speed is needed and timing is important, Go may be the best option for you.

Back-end frameworks


It is useful for making quick applications. Quite easy to learn and program, it has numerous libraries. Thanks to the simplicity of its administration panel, it makes it possible to create a crud/abm in a very short time.


This is the technology par excellence for developing RAD applications. With a huge community and easy learning, it has very good documentation for rapid development.


It has become the most popular Java framework for creating high-performance, lightweight, and reusable code. It is used for building business applications; It has a modular structure and significant flexibility to apply different architectures.

Front-end frameworks


Being a progressive Javascript framework, it allows you to add code little by little, without using the entire framework. It works to create applications that run on the client side: webs, progressive web apps and mobiles.


He is always at the forefront of how to execute on the front end. It facilitates the development of web interfaces and is very easy to use. It works on the basis of web components, to create single page applications.


Developed in JavaScript, it allows you to create applications using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) structure. It stands out for its simplicity and lightness, and facilitates asynchronous communication with the server.


It is known to be an open source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google. Used to create and maintain single page web applications, it aims to make development and testing easier.

Popular databases to use

Different databases can be selected depending on the needs and the programming language. Here are some examples: MongoDB, Postgresql, Oracle, and MySql.


Defining the technology stack for your project is key. This decision will help you determine the necessary resources, both human and technological and economic. First understand the goals and expectations to get the finished product. At MyTaskPanel Consulting, we have the best professionals to build the stack you need.


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